Friday, November 16, 2012

Contest Update

It's been a crazy week around here.  After rescheduling my Monday and Tuesday students (because I was out of town), I got a few students squeezed in Wednesday before I lost my voice completely.

Since I haven't figured out how to teach without being able to speak, all my precious Thursday and Friday students had to be rescheduled as well.

Whew... what a week!

Thought I'd post a quick update on our contest since we won't see one another until after the Thanksgiving break and the shoeboxes have been delivered.

With the points that were tallied as of Wednesday afternoon and an educated guess as to the points that my Thursday and Friday students would have earned, we topped out with a little more than 700 points!


I will be delivering shoeboxes on Monday morning with the help of a few of the top point earners in the studio!  Way to go, everyone!

Remember, we still have a few weeks left before we break for Christmas!  LEt's keep earning those points so that we hit the 1,000 point mark and get that GOAT for a family in need!